If a user needs to edit or remove a venue credit amount on a customer's account, this is managed in the CUSTOMERS tab in the SITE ADMIN

Once you click CUSTOMERS in the left-hand navigation menu, it will bring up the search page. Enter the customer's name or email address associated with the account. Click DETAILS

On the customer details page, click the gray CREDITS button at the top of the page.

The CREDITS page will display any venue credits that have been issued. If a venue credit needs to be completely removed from the account, enter the negative dollar amount so the venue credit will be zeroed out. If the venue credit only needs to be partially removed, enter the negative value that needs to be removed. (E.g. if the customer has a $60 credit but they should only have $40, enter -$20 in the CREDITS field). Users must enter a credit reason / note & click CREATE CREDIT LOG