We've made some updates to the text editor in the event description of the event builder. When users first view the event description field, it will look like the image below.

Clicking your cursor into the text field will expand the tool bar at the top.

To expand the text editor options, click the + sign

Adding a Paragraph

This option creates a space between the text and starts a new paragraph. 

Adding an Image

The new text editor allows users to add an image. The image must be hosted by a third-party service (such as AWS or anywhere else that you can host a file online so it can be served to the public) & the Seat Engine user must add the link for that image. This cannot just be a dropbox link or Google drive link, but this must be a link to an image hosted somewhere such as AWS S3 https://aws.amazon.com/s3/

If you hover over the far right icon once the image has been inserted into the text field, you may re-position the image.

Embedding a Video

The "Embed" option allows users to embed a video within the event description. Currently only Youtube or Vimeo links are compatible. Users have the option of pasting the video link or the actual embed code. 

By default, the checkbox next to "Responsive Video" will be checked. This means that the video will adjust its size based on the device on which someone is viewing the video (mobile device versus a computer). 

Click "Insert" once the video link or embed code has been entered. 

Adding a Table

Users may add a table to the event description by selecting the "Table" option pictured below. 

Once the table has been added, you may click the table icon at the top to add or remove columns & rows or to delete the table. 

Adding a Quote

Users may add a quote to the text box by selecting the "Quote" option. Once it is selected, you may edit the text. 

Adding Code

This feature allows a user to add a code block. Please keep in mind this is different than editing the HTML. The code block would appear just as is in the event description. You do not need to enter actual code, you can have plain text that just stands out in a different font with a grayed out background. 

Adding a Line

If a user would like to add a divider between text in the event description, they may utilize the line feature pictured below. If a user would like to delete the line, simply click on it until a blue box appears around it and then press delete on your keyboard. 

Other Key Features

The standard formatting options (bold, italic, underline & strikethrough) can all be found at the top of the text box. 

Adding HTML

The <> button allows users to edit the HTML code for the purpose of customizing the content in the event description. This is an advanced feature, so it's advised that only users who are familiar with HTML utilize this. 


This feature allows users to change the size of the text, add bullet points or add a numbered list.


This feature allows users to change the content in the text box to be centered, to the left or to the right. 

Adding a Link

To add a URL to the event description, add the text in which the user wishes to be displayed and add the URL. There is an optional checkbox for having the link open in a new tab. Once these fields have been completed, click "Insert".


At the top of the text editor on the far-right side is a shortcuts key. Click on the keyboard icon to view all of the various keyboard shortcuts.